Overwatch's Sombra Mystery is Getting Old

Overwatch's Sombra Mystery is Getting Old

And no, this is not another clue.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Aug 27, 2016 @ 11:59 AM (Staff Bios)
Since Overwatch's beta, Blizzard has been teasing a new hero. There have character voice lines, hints in the game's maps, coded messages in official videos, and more all referring to a hero named Sombra. She's been teased so much, that Blizzard even released Ana without any kind of real fanfare just to throw off every fan paying attention. And, just like any puzzle that continues on for months, it's starting to get real old.

By this point, it's just a failure to deliver. The first several rounds of clues was interesting and fun. The community came together to see what Sombra and the developers were trying to tell us. But each little vague clue and hint only led to more vague clues. We have learned literally nothing of note from all of the decoding and speculation. Most of the messages are just teasers that the next clue is going to be even tougher to decode. When that next one basically says the same thing, it doesn't take long for everyone to start losing interest.


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