Titanfall 2 Won't Compete With Battlefield 1 or Infinite Warfare

Titanfall 2 Won't Compete With Battlefield 1 or Infinite Warfare

Respawn, please just listen.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Aug 23, 2016 @ 10:32 AM (Staff Bios)
When Titanfall first launched, the people divided. You either loved Titanfall's unique lack of story and online only "campaign" or you hated it. Eventually, the game fell off pretty hard, but it wasn't because it was a bad game. Titanfall, in all honesty, was one of the most fun shooters I've ever played before. People started dropping the game because there really wasn't much to do. There was absolutely no offline gameplay, and the "storyline" was basically a guy saying some stuff that makes absolutely no sense right before you start playing in an online Team Deathmatch. So after learning about the ups and downs of their first game, you would think Titanfall 2 would be much better, right?

With the launch of the Titanfall 2 technical test on consoles, a lot of players got to experience the new game. Instead of learning from the mistakes made in the original, Respawn is actually taking more things out of the game than they are adding new things in. One of my favorite parts of the original was the map design. I loved running around with my pilot, jumping from walls, and having the ability to be extremely mobile. Titanfall 2 maps took a lot of that away. Now, the maps are a lot more "ground based." You won't see as many wall runners and the majority of the fighting will be like Call of Duty. Not to mention the fact that the AI that were on both teams in the original have been changed. Now they're just some neutral force that pop up in clusters on specific places of the map.

Now the bread and butter change, Titans. I have a serious love/hate relationship with this change. Instead of being on a timer, like in the original Titanfall, Titans can only be called in if you're playing well. The bar won't fill up over time and is now completely skill based. This is perfectly fine with me. The thing that bothers me is that Titans aren't even cool anymore. They have weaker shields, do less damage, and just aren't fun to play with at all. If Titanfall 2 is going to stand a chance this year, Respawn needs to slow down on the changes, reverse everything that they've done aside from making the game multiplatform, and just listen to the community.


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