This Is Barrierwatch!

This Is Barrierwatch!

The start of a new era for Overwatch?

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Mar 24, 2017 @ 11:56 AM (Staff Bios)

Hey everybody! If you haven't heard, Orisa has officially landed on Overwatch. If you haven't tried her out, you really should. She has loads of cool abilities, like a chain gun, the fortify ability, a mini gravity surge, and a barrier. Come to think of it, didn't they also buff Winston's barrier too? And that's not even considering that they gave Symmetra a new barrier weeks ago. I sure hope this doesn't change anything about the games.

All joking aside, the recent influx of barriers absolutely everywhere have led to an epidemic that most players are calling Barrierwatch. Today, games often boil down to both teams slamming down 3 or more barriers and firing away at each other. It's pretty much the video game version of this.

Before you start to panic, don't worry. Stuff like this happens all the time. Barrierwatch is common now because a lot of these barrier changes are still new. Give it some time, and players will easily find out a way to counter Barrierwatch pretty hard. Just like what happened to the original Bastion. Here, look, it's already started.


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