PlayStation 5 Confirmed: Release, Controller, Details, More

PlayStation 5 Confirmed: Release, Controller, Details, More

Coming next year.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Oct 08, 2019 @ 09:19 AM (Staff Bios)
After six years, PlayStation has officially announced their next console's name, controller, release and other details.

We've known about the "PlayStation 5" for a while now. It's technical specs have been detailed in the months prior. But Sony never actually gave us any info about the upcoming console. Not even the name. Well no longer. A recent post on the official PlayStation Blog reveals not just the name of their next console, but the release window, the controller, and some other new details.

First of all: yes, it's officially called the PlayStation 5. Sony is opting for the classic pattern of counting upward instead of the competition's trend of using random words. (Though to be fair, the Nintendo Switch makes sense.)

The PS5 isn't far away, either. It's currently marked for a release during "Holiday 2020." This makes sense, given that the next Xbox, the Scarlett is set to release at the same time frame.

The same post also goes into new detail about the controller the console will use. While they don't call it the Dualshock 5, that's what we will refer to it as until an official name is revealed.

They specifically mentioned two new features the controllers will have. The first was a new kind of haptic feedback, AKA better rumble. The controllers will use a form of high-resolution haptic feedback to create more immersive sensations while playing. This is similar to the HD Rumble feature promoted in the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons.

The second, more interesting feature is in the triggers. The L2 and R2 buttons have been given adaptive strength. This means that developers can control how hard or easy it would be to pull the trigger. This would allow more interesting feedback, which varies based on the task at hand. Though certain members of the disabled gaming community have shown unease about the feature, hoping it will be an optional setting.

All in all, Sony appears to be ready for some healthy market competition next year. If they continue to open up to crossplay support, then Xbox might have a run for their money.


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