If you Act Fast, you can Get a Free Copy of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

If you Act Fast, you can Get a Free Copy of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Needs more Daka.

pocru by pocru on Aug 31, 2018 @ 01:24 AM (Staff Bios)
Great news, peeps: are you a big fan of video games? How about the Warhammer 40k universe? Do you not like spending money?

If you answered “Yes” or even “kind of” to any of those questions, then I’ve got good news: you have about… thirty-three hours (at time of writing) to go to Humble Bundle, sign up for their newsletter, and get a free copy of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for the PC.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Machine was released for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC back in 2011 as a third-person shooter with extra emphasis placed on melee combat and bloody executions, which was your main source of health regeneration. Yes, that’s right, an old Warhammer game thought of that before Doom 2016 did. I’m surprised too.

Anyway, the game’s plot is as complex and confusing as the rest of the Warhammer universe but basically, you play a muscle boi and ultramachine Captain Titus as they fight off a whole lot of “Orks”, which are like Orcs but in space and misspelled.

The game got some average reviews (sitting at 74 on Metacritic for the PC version) and was praised for the gameplay and the visuals, but got criticized for uninspired environments and “linear” gameplay, which, given that we’re living in the open-world sandbox apocalypse, doesn’t really sound like a problem to me.

Sound good? Or at least just okay? Then it’s probably worth the newsletter. We like the Humble Bundle people anyway, by and large, so I don’t mind getting a letter now and then, but you can always unsubscribe later or just take advantage of the ol’ spam box. And really, isn’t that a small price to pay to have another game on your steam library you’ll never remember to play, or look at occasionally and think about starting up but then you shrug and just play Fortnite again?

Yeah, that’s the best.


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