Your Nintendo Switch Pro Controller is Now Steam Compatible

Your Nintendo Switch Pro Controller is Now Steam Compatible


pocru by pocru on May 03, 2018 @ 06:33 AM (Staff Bios)
Valve! It’s been a while since we’ve heard from those guys, right? What have they been up to other than not fixing the oversaturated and unfriendly Steam indie marketplace?!

Well, according to this sexy new official news post on Steam, the Steam Controller Team has been working hard to allow owners of the Nintendo Switch Pro controller to use it when gaming on their PC. And now the fruit of their labor has finally paid off, as the latest Steam Client Beta will allow just that.

But if you think it’d be as easy as just plugging in your controller and going to town, you’d be sadly, tragically mistaken, as first, you have to go into the Steam Client Beta and enable the support in the controller setting page (the same place you mess with the Xbox and PS4 controller configurations). Even then, you’ll have to adjust the controller on a per-game basis, as most PC games default to assuming you use an Xbox One controller.

Once you do that, you’re still not quite done. You’ll want to connect the controller, link it to your account, and use the ‘calibrate’ button to get the gyro sensors to function with your games. From there you can also use the Controller Configuration to manage which games use what functions (like Gyro, radial menus, etc.), and generally get the most out of your pro controller.

Easy as one, two, three, am I right? The team said in the post that the Switch Pro controller is ideal for fighting games (thanks to the D-pad) and FPS games (with the Gyro support), so if you happen to rock those titles and you’re looking for a controller, then… use an Xbox One controller, seriously. But lacking that, a Switch Pro will probably do the job almost as well.

Exciting news day, today.


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