Yooka-Laylee gets New E3 Trailer

Yooka-Laylee gets New E3 Trailer

And it's a trip back in time if there ever was one.

pocru by pocru on Jun 07, 2016 @ 11:35 AM (Staff Bios)
The 3D Platformer has entered something of a recession as of late, and unless you happen to own a Wii U, then you've probably found that there aren't many options for that classical gaming archetype that helped defined the PS/N64 era of gaming. Fortunately, that's changing with Kickstarter darlings like A Hat in Time that are looking to return to those golden days of yesteryear, but perhaps most exciting among them is the upcoming game from former Rare employees and Banjo-Kazoo veterans, Yooka-Laylee.

Raising over two million over the aforementioned crowdfunding site, they've been hard at work on making a game that's functionally Banjo-Kazooie for all purposes sans legal ones, and although no one doubts their ability to work, well, it has been quite a while since we've heard from them and an update would be appreciated.

Well, an update is what we got, and then some. Check out this swag new trailer Playtonic just released for E3:

Heh, I just got their name. Like platonic, but... play, and a potion... clever.

Anyway. I was never personally much of a fan of the old Banjo-Kazooie "platform and collect" formula, but I have to admit, from this two minute trailer they really nailed that old 90's feel of 3D platforming. I felt younger just watching it, like a kid first toying with a controller trying to figure out how to make the damn bird fly.

And, of course, much like the original Banjo-Kazooie, it seems like Yooka is doing most of the damn work in the relationship. Come on, Laylee. Get it together.

The game will be released sometime early 2017, so keep your eyes peeled. Hopefully we'll get a new trailer with that "brown level" before the game launches.


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