VR Headsets can Leave Lasting Damage on your Eyes

VR Headsets can Leave Lasting Damage on your Eyes

Make sure you know the risks.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Sep 30, 2016 @ 12:59 PM (Staff Bios)
Aside from VR possibly wiping out LAN and non-VR gaming, experts are saying that VR could give users some very serious issues in the future. The risk of myopia, or nearsightedness, could be significantly increased as well as the risk of it occurring more rapidly. By wearing a VR headset, your eyes are focused in on two screens that are very close to your face. Though the screens are close, an object in the game may appear to be far away. This creates issues with the eyes being able to grab focus of near and distant objects once the headset is off. While you might not notice these changes right away, over a long period of time the VR could have some lasting damage.

Many people have also reported VR sickness, and it's warned before playing on your new VR headset for the first time, you need to take things slow. You shouldn't play more than a few minutes or you'll begin to get motion sickness. People have gotten sick from prolonged use of the headsets, and have reported desires to never use it again. While this motion sickness is a temporary condition, eye damage is extremely serious. On top of myopia, players may also suffer from serious cases of "dry-eye."

As you play on your headset, you may be engaged in several stressful situations. This may cause users to blink less often in order to take in everything around them. The lack of lubrication on the eye, as well as the intensity of the close screen will cause the eyes to dry out over time. People who suffer from this condition describe it as a feeling of "getting stabbed in your eyes." VR headsets are very cool in my opinion and I think they can be extremely immersive, but if people plan on using them they must take the precautionary steps to ensure their safety. Keep your eyes safe, keep your stomach free from sickness, and make sure you don't overexpose yourself to those tiny screens.


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