VAC Bans All Linux Users named "Catbot" in Team Fortress 2 [UPDATE]

VAC Bans All Linux Users named "Catbot" in Team Fortress 2 [UPDATE]

Which doesnt even stop the hacking software.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Jan 01, 2018 @ 04:52 PM (Staff Bios)
VAC, Steam's anti-cheat system, has generated controversy recently with their new bannable offense. If you are playing Team Fortress 2 on a Linux machine and your username contains "catbot," then you will be banned.

Catbot is software designed to play games of Team Fortress 2 for you while utilizing a number of cheats in the process. The software would generate its name unto your username, presumably to promote itself. While it's understandable why VAC would want to repress any usage of the software, this vetting process has already affected a number of innocent users.

The worst part of this new ruling: Catbot updated to no longer use the catbot name, but randomly generated names. This means that the software this ruling was made to prevent is still entirely unhindered.

Whether you agree with this new VAC rule or not, and if you are using a Linux computer to play Team Fortress 2, it's better to not call yourself Catbot.

A confirmed Valve employee spoke up in a Reddit thread about this issue. They confirmed that VAC is NOT banning people with that name. They suspect that this was an effort to cause discord in regards to the anti cheating system by spreading false information. You can read their full response here.


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