Ubisoft Starts New Facility to Help AI Advancement

Ubisoft Starts New Facility to Help AI Advancement

Watch Dogs 2 helps better society, I swear!

LizardRock by LizardRock on Dec 26, 2017 @ 06:10 PM (Staff Bios)
Artificial Intelligence has been a key component in video games for as long as there have been video games. AI exists at times to enhance the gameplay experience or to become a story aspect. Unfortunately, advanced AI in video games is seldom shared publicly. Have to protect their interests, after all.

Ubisoft has made a step away from that, hoping to add to the academic world with their efforts towards smarter gameplay. The game company recently formed a new AI research wing, known as La Forge, that intends to aid research towards both gaming and science. The facility will employ both scientists and Ubisoft staff to work together cooperatively.

One example Ubisoft pointed out was when they recreated San Fransisco for use in Watch Dogs 2. The studio had created an AI for the vehicles and pedestrians to navigate the city. Technology like this could aid in the ongoing development towards self-driving cars. Being able to test the car's software in a digital environment means less real-life testing needs to occur. such as subjecting the self-driving cars to dangerous scenarios.

Better AI research could also lead to advancements in movement. smooth automated walking could be used for better gameplay animation, as well as more reliable prosthetics. While behavioral AI could help detect toxic players in communities in games.

La Forge is just a baby right now, so its effects have yet to be seen. If Ubisoft decided to keep too much to themselves, then the academic participants will likely decide to jump ship. Inversely, if not enough advancement is made, Ubisoft might decide to pull the plug on the project. Both of these situations are lose-lose scenarios. Time will tell


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