This AI-Powered Speech Generator Can Imitate Fallout/Skyrim Voices

This AI-Powered Speech Generator Can Imitate Fallout/Skyrim Voices

An amazing resource for modders.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Feb 01, 2021 @ 11:00 AM (Staff Bios)
AI-generated models dont have to always mean deepfake headshots of Nick Offerman onto the Happy Days intro sequence. They can be used for all sorts of media generation. In this case, its a speech synthesis based on the voices of various Bethesda games.

Introducing VASynth. This is a fan-made AI-based app that generates voice lines based on various characters from games like Fallout 4, Skyrim, and New Vegas. And its so effective, that the demonstration video explaining how it works is entirely narrated by these various characters.

The process is surprisingly simple. Select the relevant voice model file, type in the speech you want it to speak, and tweak the speed and pitch. Itll then generate that voice line in a way comparable to the selected actor model. The most fascinating part: it doesnt actually use any assets from the games to run the program, it uses a custom-made model file that was generated by an AI analyses of these files. This means the program can be distributed without risk of asset sharing.

This is a major deal for mod makers. Bethesda games are some of the most modded games of all time. This technology can allow modders to create new voice lines for custom quests, character, situations, and so on. Its not perfect, but its pretty dang close for these purposes.

VASynth is available for free on NexusMods. Be sure to read the installation and instructions carefully and to download the voice model files youre interested in using. We took it for a spin and were immediately impressed with the quality. Download links for each game can be found in the video description.

There is one important thing we should mention. The creator has asked that people avoid using the tool for offensive or explicit material, and that it be stated in whatever you make that the voice samples are generated and NOT lines recorded by the original voice actors. We understand why the request, for a handful of reasons.


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