The Ni No Kuni Movie is Coming to Netflix

The Ni No Kuni Movie is Coming to Netflix

Ver, very soon, in fact.

pocru by pocru on Jan 06, 2020 @ 09:59 AM (Staff Bios)
When it comes to charming JRPGs, the Ni No Kuni series might not have a monopoly, but they sure have a comfortable seat at the table. Between the first game’s rather adorable bedtime-story style of a young boy trying to make people happy while saving his mom from an untimely death to the sequel’s story of uniting a long-separated kingdom, the colorful art and the adorable style of the characters means there’s not much better for some feel-good gaming, or a game you could play with your kids.

And for the reasons mentioned above, the series grew popular enough to eventually warrant a movie, called The Ni No Kuni movie, which was produced by the semi-famous Level-5 productions. That movie, which was directed by Yoshiyuki Momose (who, in turn, worked on the games, Spirited Away, and Porco Rosso), was originally unique to Japan… but it’s just been reported that, come January 16th, a dubbed version will land on Netflix for the western world to enjoy.

The plot is pretty straightforward: two boys are dropped into the fantasy world of the first game, and have to work together to save their lost friend, and her fantasy-world counterpart. Seems like a wholesome time, and I look forward to watching it in a few short days.

Assuming the dub is any good.

Which it probably won’t be.


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