The ESA Protests WHO's "Gaming Disorder"

The ESA Protests WHO's "Gaming Disorder"

Lawyers Vs Doctors! A thrilling match!

pocru by pocru on Jan 04, 2018 @ 01:05 AM (Staff Bios)
As we reported earlier, the World Health Organization, otherwise known as the WHO, was considering officially recognizing a new form of addiction called Gaming Disorder, which would classify harmful gaming habits that caused harm to yourself and others as a mental issue. And while the suggested disorder caused some controversy among professionals, who were uncertain that it was a disorder within itself or just merely a symptom of larger mind troubles, there’s another organization who takes issue with this new disease: the ESA.

The ESA, otherwise known as the Entertainment Software Association, is basically a big lobbying group that represents the gaming industry’s best interests. And while in past they’ve taken up arms for Net Neutrality and freedom of speech, now they’re trying to keep video games from receiving their own disorder that would put them up there with drugs and alcohol. Their statement is as follows:

Just like avid sports fans and consumers of all forms of engaging entertainment, gamers are passionate and dedicated with their time. Having captivated gamers for more than four decades, more than two billion people around the world enjoy video games.
The World Health Organization knows that common sense and objective research prove video games are not addictive. And, putting that official label on them recklessly trivializes real mental health issues like depression and social anxiety disorder, which deserve treatment and the full attention of the medical community. We strongly encourage the World Health Organization to reverse direction on its proposed action.

Of course we have to mention sports. Because even at our most assertive we’re insecure. It also begs the question why this is such a problem for the ESA: is it a matter of reputation? Or avoiding the perceived public backlash that would follow such a ruling? Regardless, the 2018 Classifications still haven’t been decided on, so it’s not too late for the WHO to remove Gaming Disorder… but if they plan too, that’s another matter entirely.


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