Super Smash Bros Director Asks You Nicely To Stop Asking for New Characters

Super Smash Bros Director Asks You Nicely To Stop Asking for New Characters

It's settled. It's done. You're just wasting your time.

pocru by pocru on Nov 07, 2018 @ 05:32 AM (Staff Bios)
If there’s one thing people like bothering Nintendo about, it’s what characters to add to Super Smash Brothers. After all, we all have a personal favorite we’d like to see butting heads with all of Nintendo’s greats, but it seems Nintendo is getting kind of sick of all the fan suggestions. Because over on Twitter, series director Masahiro Sakurai did something a bit unusual for him and actually tweeted something in English: asking fans to please, please, please shut up.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decide if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with the plan.

Now, that tweet came to us both in Japanese (the language he normally tweets) and in English, likely with the help of a translator. But what’s really telling is that the tweet that came next was exclusively done in English:

It’s great to dream about your favorite character joining the battle and I appreciate your passion, but please try to stay on topic when replying to tweets and refrain from flooding us, and other users, with requests when we're not specifically asking for feedback. Thank you!

It's an unusual tweet for Sakurai, but considering all, the, uh, “feedback” he’s been getting from his passionate fans, it’s understandable that he would be more than a little sick of it. Plus, this kind of puts the final nail in the coffin as far as future fighters are concerned: fans were always sort of wasting their time when they made demands, but now they’re REALLY just spitting into the wind.

So if Banjo-Kazooie or Shadow the Hedgehog or Genos (it’ll never happen, I swear on my grave) aren’t on that list of approved DLC? There’s no point shouting about it. Unless, of course, Waluigi isn’t on the list. That’s not feedback: that’s justice.

I hope you can detect the sarcasm there.


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