Spotify Application Confirmed for Xbox One

Spotify Application Confirmed for Xbox One

Beat drops are coming.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Aug 06, 2017 @ 10:49 AM (Staff Bios)
Spotify is an extremely popular music application and is available on phones, tablets, PC, Playstation, basically everywhere except for Xbox. The only reason is hasn't come to Xbox yet is because of an exclusivity deal the company made with Sony. It seems as though Spotify has found a workaround and will be coming to the Xbox One very soon.

The application has been listed on its own Xbox Store page, however it isn't available for download just yet. I'm assuming Spotify probably has to finalize some things with their agreement with Sony before this can all come together nicely, but it shouldn't be too long before you can use Spotify on your Xbox One. This will gives access to features like Spotify Connect, Spotify Premium, and their entire library of music.

The Xbox One also has a background audio function, allowing you to choose your music, exit the application, and continue listening while you load up your favorite games. I think this is a great idea for both companies involved, and I'm sure it will be coming out with the Xbox One X when that console releases as well.


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