RuneScape Classic is Shutting Down

RuneScape Classic is Shutting Down

Not Old School RuneScape.

LizardRock by LizardRock on May 23, 2018 @ 04:41 PM (Staff Bios)
In a recent announcement by developer Jagex, the original version of popular online MMO RuneScape will be shutting down.

No, this isn't Old School RuneScape, but the version before that. When the MMO originally released in 2001, it was far simpler than what we've all grown to love. With less-refined graphics and features, the game was replaced in 2004 with a new version of the game, which we now know as Old School RuneScape. This was when the original was renamed to RuneScape Classic.

Jagex stated that the Classic will be winding down over the next few months, leading to its eventual removal. The reasons behind this decision include a faltering player base, as well as a modern technology making the game more susceptible to bots and hacks.

The developer made the announcement in a farewell blog on its website, adding that Classic will start to wind down over the next three months before being taken offline entirely. The blog post suggests that new technology makes Classic easily abused and more susceptible to botting.

With advancements in technology helping to further support both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape, our tools are no longer compatible with Classic. This is particularly a problem with our community safety and macro detection tools. The game is now easily abused with the use of 3rd party macro tools, and botting has become an increasing issue.
. . .
The number of bugs is getting worse, and we're gradually seeing the game breaking. It's important to highlight that these are bugs which we can't fix due to the unsupported nature of the game.

RuneScape Classics servers will go offline at 1 pm on August 6.


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