Resident Evil VII Candle Brings Gamers to 4D

Resident Evil VII Candle Brings Gamers to 4D

Smells like horror.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Jan 13, 2017 @ 04:46 PM (Staff Bios)
Not too long ago, we learned that Resident Evil VII will be gracing VR headsets with its spooky gameplay. That alone sounds like a terrifying way to spend a Saturday night. However, Capcom's still not finished. To force players into a fully well-rounded experience, they had to add something else to the mix. You won't really believe you're there unless it smells like you are. Enter the Resident Evil VII 4D Candle.

Smells like... umm... ghosts?

The candle is intended to help make players feel like they're really in the Baker House Mansion. To be honest, I can't say for sure what that mansion smells like. I can say one thing though, I bet it's not pleasant. Regardless, the point of the candle isn't to smell good or calming. If it gets the smell of musty stuffiness with hints of decay, then it's probably doing its job. According to the product description, the candle comes in a metal tin and is expected to have around 25 hours of burn-time.

If you're interested in enhancing your RE VII experience, then maybe this candle is for you. If that's the case, you can go ahead and pre-order the thing now.


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