PUBG Removes Locked Crates from Store

PUBG Removes Locked Crates from Store

So now all cosmetics are... free?

pocru by pocru on Nov 19, 2019 @ 02:43 AM (Staff Bios)
PUBG is that guy in every Battle Royale mode that’s in second place and moderately well-equipped but knows his surviving opponent is just completely loaded and literally killed everyone else he was playing against, so as the circles close in he doesn’t bother looking for his enemy he just finds new places to hide and stall to drag out the game and hope he wins on some technicality. And PUBG’s latest stalling tactic is to remove the ‘locked’ loot crates that required keys you buy with real money to unlock.

That is pretty nice I guess. Here’s more detail from the devs themselves:

“Through player feedback, we’ve found that more often players do not get enjoyment out of opening crates as they currently exist. We looked at the following information:

The value of marketable loot box in PUBG is solely determined by the users and getting items through the marketplace or selling them back is also part of the PUBG experience. However, the value of the locked crates are very low among other PUBG items. This means that paid crates are not an appealing reward to players, making the experience of acquiring a locked crate less enjoyable.”

Apparently, for a long time now, they’ve been raising the quality of items in the free boxes and reducing the odds of getting a ‘locked crate’ when buying crates with free-to-earn money (when I played years and years ago, you were pretty much guaranteed to get a locked chest every time, so that’s nice to hear). But those changes haven’t been noticed or appreciated by the community, so they’re just full-on removing them.

“We have been thinking about this carefully and we want to ensure that we steer clear of revenue models that fail to satisfy fans, especially if they include a low success rate. We will continue to tweak our business model where possible to offer more compelling value for the money you choose to spend with us.”

You can read up all the details in the Dev Letter, right here.


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