Playstation VR Prices Dropping in the UK

Playstation VR Prices Dropping in the UK

Even though it continues to sell out.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Nov 03, 2016 @ 01:52 PM (Staff Bios)
Despite excellent sales, the price of the new Playstation VR is dropping in the UK from £349.99 to £332.49. The VR headset is selling out time and time again, but for some reason Sony has decided to lower the cost. While this is great news for consumers, it raises a few questions. The biggest question being, "Why would Sony lower the price of a product that's selling out?" That seems like it would hurt Sony and appears as though they're voluntarily throwing money out of the window. Well, that might not be the case.

While I don't have a clear answer, I do see one very real possibility. Sony wants to take over VR. Microsoft has announced that they don't have any plans for a VR headset right now, so this would be Sony's perfect time to strike. Even though people are buying the Playstation VR at a higher price, if Sony lowers that price then it opens doors for even more consumers to pick up the product. If people are all spending hundreds of dollars on a console VR headset now, why would they buy another one when Microsoft releases theirs?

Even if VR for Xbox One is better than Playstation VR, people will be less likely to spend more cash if they already have Sony's version. By getting their product into as many households as possible in a short amount of time, Sony is trying to take over the market. This will mean more sales for their VR titles in the future, and this might be a long-run win for Sony.

Or maybe they're just feeling generous. Who knows?


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