Pixels Movie Goes Crazy with Copyright Infringement Claims

Pixels Movie Goes Crazy with Copyright Infringement Claims

Which is gaming news. Technically.

pocru by pocru on Aug 10, 2015 @ 10:49 AM (Staff Bios)
So, Pixels is a bad movie. And if I’m the first person you’ve heard this from, congratulations for getting your wireless signal to work! But you should really be trying to get off that abandoned island you’re stranded on, rather than checking up on gaming news.

Regardless, it’s a bad movie, but it’s got a lot of big people behind it, and like all big people, these guys are jerks. Namely, now that Columbia Pictures has got its mitts on a movie named after the graphical unit of a video game, they somehow have the impression they now own the word. Or, more specifically, the copyright firm that works with Columbia Pictures, in this case being Entura International—which has recently contacted Vimeo demanding they remove several videos whose titles used the word “pixels”. Because apparently, they’re genuinely worried someone would try to steal this steaming pile of cinematic crap.

What movies specifically? Well, according to the official complaint:

“Pixels”, “Pantone Pixels”, “Pixels”, “Pixels - HD Trailer”, “Detuned Pixels - Choco”, “Pixels - Life Buoy”, “Pixels: Redeye @ Kettering”, “Pixels Festival 2015”, “Love Pixels- VJLoops”, “Pixels Official Trailer (2015) - Adam Sandler, Peter Dinklage”

You’ve probably noticed two things so far: the first is that the majority of these videos have nothing to do with Adam Sandler’s recent train wreck. The second is that the two that do, they’re both offical trailers for the damn movie this firm is trying to protect. So either this firm is secretly the good guys, trying to remove all evidence of this awful movie from existence, or someone on their team is just straight-up lazy. I’ll let you guess which is which.

Point is, these videos are gone now. Granted, they probably won’t be gone for long, as Video appears to be looking into the problem, but still, it is what it is. And if it weren’t for the fact I hated this movie and enjoy all the bad news surrounding it, I probably wouldn’t have even bothered to report on this. And yet, I do. So I am. Ha.


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