Overwatch Releases First Batch of Major Changes on PTR

Overwatch Releases First Batch of Major Changes on PTR

Still no Sombra.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Oct 20, 2016 @ 10:49 PM (Staff Bios)
Blizzard is usually on top of their game when it comes to consistent updates. Things are different when it comes to Overwatch. On top of major content updates, tweaks, nerfs, and buffs are being tested and released all the time. Lately, though, Blizzard is experimenting with a different system for rolling out changes. Before, any potential change was ironed out and polished up well before seeing the Public Test Region (where new changes are community playtested before being officially rolled out). Now, though, Blizzard is implementing a lot of new changes at once and seeing what sticks.

Check out the official word from Blizzard's Josh Engen:

[W]e're currently experimenting with a number of significant hero changes. We don't typically have the time to try multiple configurations to our hero balance composition, but the extended length of this PTR gives us a unique opportunity. Throughout the PTR, we'll be continuously adjusting our heroes' stats, which will provide valuable data needed to make some tough decisions.

It is unsure whether or not Blizzard will make this a long-term practice. If so, new updates should come even more frequently than before. Players are able to see many more, raw ideas of how Blizzard tries to balance Overwatch. In this first round, most of the changes are nerfs (with the exception of D-VA), and ultimate abilities now need 25% more charge before use. If you're interested in all of the tweaks, you can check them out here.


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