Overwatch Players Find a New Way to Cheat with 'Nuking'

Overwatch Players Find a New Way to Cheat with 'Nuking'

Don't worry, it has nothing to do with D.VA.

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Jan 13, 2017 @ 03:47 PM (Staff Bios)
Cheating has been a part of video games for decades. Some of the very first video games had cheat codes. There was never really a problem until multiplayer came into the picture. Cheaters in multiplayer games make the game unfair and unfun for literally everyone else. That's why developers often work hard to ban cheaters whenever possible.

This is most true for Overwatch. From the start, Blizzard announced that they will hold a no tolerance policy when it comes to cheating. If you're caught cheating, you're banned. For the most part, this seems to work well for aimbotting and wall hacks. However, there's a different form of cheating that's starting to become popular. It involves lagging out the opposing team.

It ends up looking a little bit like this.

It's pretty much a form of DDoS attacks used to slow the game down to a crawl. Everything freezes up, and the opposing players can't do anything about it. The worst part of this cheat is that it likely shuts the server so much that players aren't even able to report the cheaters. The silver lining here is that if you end up losing due to a laggy server, you may have someone to blame now.

Blizzard isn't taking this lying down, though. According to Kotaku, Blizzard holds the same stance against these cheaters as they do everyone else. If you get caught doing it, you're banned. End of story.


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