Overkill Apologizes over Payday 2 Microtransactions, Plans to Make Up for It

Overkill Apologizes over Payday 2 Microtransactions, Plans to Make Up for It

No, that doesn't exactly mean they're removing microtransactions.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Nov 21, 2015 @ 02:32 PM (Staff Bios)
Sometimes pressure can be a bit too much on a company, and after so many flames, the company finally apologizes, even if they don't actually back down from decisions.

That said, Overkill, the developers behind Payday 2, has apologized recently for their decision to implement more or less randomized microtransactions. For a good while, there were plenty of the threats, strikes, and more thrown at the company, because the developer actually promised no microtransactions for Payday 2 a couple years ago.

Even after trying to make players listen by discussing their reasoning behind the microtransactions in an AMA on Reddit, the players still didn't take kindly to the matter and continued to more or less virtually riot because Overkill hadn't backed down on their decision.

Since then, Overkill has addressed the community with a formal apology, straight from Steam:

"The past few weeks have been some of the most challenging in the history of this community. Players have been angry with us, media have written about us en massed and our volunteer moderators went on strike. For all the distress we've caused the past few weeks, I'd just like to take the time and say that we're sorry. We've done a lot of things right in the past, but these past few weeks we screwed up.

We need to get better at many things, and we will do our best to improve as soon as possible."

But will their best be good enough? So far, a video has gone live featuring a two hour discussion between PR manager Almir and three volunteer mods who went on strike.

To summarize, basically the developers want to make up for the final COP-reward, and they want to try and find a way to reduce or remove the random elements of the final reward. Additionally, it was suggested that the stat boosts should be something similar to StatTrak in future safes, similar to what's used in CS:GO.

However, here can be the cringing message for everyone that could only fan the flames:

"I must stress however that we cannot currently make any promises but these are things we will be discussing as we move forward."

Overkill also plans to discuss matters with Payday 2's top modders, and even assigned eight devs to speak with the community on the Steam forums. All of this will begin next week.

Edit: Yeah, some of the community is not exactly happy with the apology...


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