Nintendo Reveals 2DS XL

Nintendo Reveals 2DS XL

It's so pretty...

pocru by pocru on Apr 28, 2017 @ 05:05 AM (Staff Bios)
Nintendo claimed, after the Switch was revealed to be a mobile console, that it would not in any way take the 3DS’s place, and that the two would continue working together in harmony. I, among others, questioned that claim, but now that the Switch has been out for a while (and doing well enough), it’s comforting to know that so far, Nintnedo seems to be holding true to its word…

…especially since they just announced they’re going to be releasing a whole new 2DS console, called the 2DS XL, which will hit store shelves on July 28th.

The 2DS XL works exactly like a typical 3DS, with online functionality, connection to the miiverse, a touchscreen, the c-stick, amiibo functionality, and can play all the 3DS games that Nintendo has put out… the only difference is that it lacks 3D capabilities (hence the name), and that it’s way cheaper, selling for about 150 bucks. Not a bad deal, no? And even better, the console looks dang good, to boot, with a white-and-orange version, and a blue-and-black version as well.

Nintendo released a video for it, check it out below:

So yeah, pretty cool stuff, I guess. I also like that it folds, which is something the original 2DS couldn’t do. Nintendo has said that the 2DS is good for young players or people with eye problems, who can’t really take advantage of the 3D functionality of the basic console, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s a perfectly good, cheaper alternative for a console that really only ever used the 3D as a gimmick anyway.

The big question, though, is if this is the final DS system we’ll be seeing. The console has been around for quite a while, after all, and the seams are starting to show. Will anything come along to replace it?

Something that’s not the Switch, obviously. Like a 4DS or something.


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