Nintendo Reportedly Reviving "Dead and Buried" Franchise

Nintendo Reportedly Reviving "Dead and Buried" Franchise

Source wouldn't say what, however.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Feb 18, 2019 @ 09:33 AM (Staff Bios)
Time to put on your speculation spectacles! It's time for another unanswered rumor. Claims have risen that Nintendo is planning to revive a game franchise that everyone thought was dead and gone.

This information comes from Game Informer's Senior Editor Imran Kahn, first reported by Nintendo Everything. In a discussion with Kinda Funny Games, Kahn claims that Nintendo is bringing something dead back to life.

Let me hint at something, I guess. This is a thing that Im going to write up at some point as soon as I get some more sources on it. But theres a game thats thought to be dead that Nintendos reviving, and its not one that people would expect. It was very much a title that was dead and buried very officially canceled.

While Kahn is fairly confident in this claim, he's waiting until he has more information before saying anything more substantial.

Had it been from anyone else, this information may have been disregarded entirely. But Kahn has a history of getting good scoops regarding Nintendo, making him a more reputable source than most. Though he makes it clear that this is not a confirmation of anything.

Onto the speculation part. The most common title that Nintendo fans are pointing at is F-Zero. The last time we saw absolutely anything about the sci-fi racing game was the Wii-U. It was going to be a launch title for the console but was canceled before production finished. That leaves F-Zero Climax for the Game Boy Advance to be the most recent iteration, and that was from 2004.

Others are hoping for a new Golden Sun or Mother game.

All we can do now is wait and see.


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