Nintendo Releases Mini-NES for 30 Classic Hits

Nintendo Releases Mini-NES for 30 Classic Hits

Two bucks a game? Not bad.

pocru by pocru on Jul 15, 2016 @ 11:12 AM (Staff Bios)
Nintendo is tearing up the online world like Overwatch was a few weeks ago and... still is. Turns out, the internet is large enough to support more than one obsession at a time. Regardless, while Nintendo's joint venture with Niantic might be what's causing headlines (and articles) all around the world, it's easy to forget that Nintendo does make other games too--and in fact, just announced that they're going to re-release a super-small, compact version of the Nintendo Entertainment System, otherwise known as the NES, pre-loaded with 30 games, for a paltry 60 bucks!

Pretty sweet deal, right? Nintendo, perhaps more so than any other developer in the gaming world, is a company built on and out of it's legacy. So, getting a chance to play the classic games that helped establish it as the behemoth it is today is not only important,but also, a whole lot of fun! Most of those games still hold up today, and 60 bucks is a small price to pay for a legal copy for them all: that's just two bucks a pop!

Unfortunately, while the compact device looks awful nifty, don't go getting it expecting anything more than it's already offering: according to the Kotaku article I already referenced earlier, the mini-console cannot connect to the internet, and Nintendo will never release new games on it.

"The console is a standalone device, so it cannot connect to the internet or any external storage devices. The 30 games included with the system were chosen to provide a wide variety of top-quality, long-lasting game-play experiences."

So that's a bummer. Less so, when you remember that people are smart, and I imagine this device will be out for all of a week before someone figures out how to hack more games into it, but, for the time being, we can pretend to be bummed out by this news.

Also in the article: Nintendo refused to comment on getting a mini-Super Nintendo or N64. Hmm.

Still, I consider myself at least a little excited for this.


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