start from zero" but it's not off the table.">
Kojima Talks Death Stranding 2, Horror Games

Kojima Talks Death Stranding 2, Horror Games

He would "start from zero" but it's not off the table.

pocru by pocru on Dec 03, 2019 @ 07:03 AM (Staff Bios)
Death Stranding has been making… what’s the word, waves? It’s been making an impact since it was released not too long ago, with people on both sides of the “Kojima is a Genius” debate having something to say about his latest game. Some people say it’s tedious, boring, and pretentious, while others claim it’s subversive, intelligent, and also pretentious. But everyone can agree that no matter what the public feels about Kojima’s games, he’s just going to keep on making them, and in speaking with Vulture, that may or may not include a Death Stranding 2.

His exact comment was brief and as enigmatic as Death Stranding ultimately was, saying “he would start from zero,” which presumably means that rather than being a direct sequel, it would be a spin-off, prequel, or something along those lines. He did specifically say he wanted to work with Norman Reedus again, which makes enough sense: Kojima seems to really like the dude, given that this is technically the second Kojima project the guy has been shoveled into.

Kojima continued this line of thinking on Twitter, talking about horror games and a movie he used to inspire him to make his now cult classic horror masterpiece, PT:

As to make the scariest horror game, I’ll watch the scary movies in order to awaken my horror soul. THE EYE is the Thai horror movie I rent when making PT but was too scary to finish watching. The package is scary so I rented the disc only. Will I be able to finish watching?

Of course he was inspired by a movie. Everything he does is a desperate bid to become a director. But you can’t doubt the results, given how amazing PT actually was. And I’m sure there are a lot of people who hope that Kojima’s next Norman Reedus project is what PT was supposed to be: just without the Silent Hill branding.

I think we could all get around that.


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