Jimmy Fallon and Reggie Fils-Aime Showcase the Nintendo Switch

Jimmy Fallon and Reggie Fils-Aime Showcase the Nintendo Switch

The console looks amazing.

AS Unreal by AS Unreal on Dec 10, 2016 @ 01:49 PM (Staff Bios)
A few nights ago on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Reggie Fils-Aime came on as a special guest and allowed Fallon to use the Nintendo Switch on live television. In addition to the Switch, Reggie started the segment off by giving Fallon the opportunity to try out Nintendo's brand new mobile game Super Mario Run. While the mobile game is definitely not going to be anything like the Pokemon Go craze, it looks like a ton of fun and Jimmy had a great time playing it.

Super Mario Run is going to be coming out on December 15th and right now, you can go to any Apple store across the world and play a demo of the game before launch. Nintendo is really trying to hype up this game as much as possible and give players something to look forward to until the Switch drops in March of 2017. After collecting some coins and getting the invulnerability star, Reggie lets Fallon know that he's going to get the opportunity to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild on his show.

Throughout the process of playing, Reggie makes sure to show off the Switch's ability to, well, switch. Reggie began playing on the full console before removing the portable device from the dock and handing it over to Jimmy. A lot has been said about Zelda and if you've been following along, you probably know that this game is going to be pretty incredible. Anywhere you see, you can go and the world in completely yours for the taking. Reggie shows how you can use movable objects in the game to your advantage and lets people see that this is truly a game where you create your own story. Whether you want to go down swinging your sword or stay up top and snipe with your bow from a great vantage point, the style of play you want can be implemented.

I'm really excited for the release of the Switch and seeing it on Fallon a few nights ago really got me hyped up. March can not come fast enough and I'm really hoping that this console won't disappoint. There has been a lot of news regarding major titles making their way on to the Switch, and this console might be the gamechanger that Nintendo needs to reclaim their spot in console gaming.


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