Hidetaka Miyazaki isn't Interested in Remaking Demon's Souls, But Not Opposed to it Either

Hidetaka Miyazaki isn't Interested in Remaking Demon's Souls, But Not Opposed to it Either

It hinges on forces outside his control.

pocru by pocru on Jan 23, 2019 @ 01:38 AM (Staff Bios)
From Software is currently working on Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a Souls-like game with a Japanese setting, an actual plot, and a few mechanical twists that look absolutely charming if slightly confusing. And that was the main subject of the interview between Game Informer and Hidetaka Miyazaki, the famous director of the Souls series and the upcoming Shadows Die Twice. However, during the conversation, Game Informer also decided to bring up the subject of a Demon’s Souls remaster, and we learned that the idea of bringing back the very first Souls game isn’t impossible… but it’s not terribly likely, either.

Specifically, he says he’s not terribly interested in seeing a remaster done, as he’s not a big fan of looking back on his previous work (although they have remastered Dark Souls 2 like three times at this point, just sayin’), and that while he’s not OPPOSED to the idea of a remaster, it’s not really up to him, as Sony owns the rights to Demon’s Souls, and they’d need to give the new project the go-ahead. And let’s face it: if Sony was to work with From Software again, it would probably be on a Bloodborne 2… which, I want to say, is by no means a bad thing.

He continued to say that if a remaster were to happen, he’d likely be more than happy to let another studio do the job, as long as he could trust them with it, and then wrapped things up by saying how happy he was that people were so invested in his world and game that they’d want to revisit it in the first place.

So that’s a genuinely feel-good thing all-around, I think. I, like most fans, would love to see a return of Demon’s Souls, but I understand why he’d want to leave the past where it lay: there are other stories to tell, after all.

Speaking of, Shadows Die Twice is set to release March 22 of this year.


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