Hackers Steal Cyberpunk 2077 Secrets from CD Projekt Red

Hackers Steal Cyberpunk 2077 Secrets from CD Projekt Red

It's not as thrilling as it sounds.

pocru by pocru on Jun 09, 2017 @ 05:38 AM (Staff Bios)
This is… a little bit ironic, when you think about it.

CD Projekt Red, the folks behind the Witcher games and the long-admired bastions of the few remaining “good guys” in the industry, have just had their planned cyberpunk action game targeted by hackers. Now, there’s been a lot of ransomware going around these days (anyone connected to the tech world at large has probably heard the term “Wannacry” being thrown around a lot), but as it turns out, this is not another example of that famous incident… rather, it seems someone has managed to get their hands on some “internal files” containing data and details about the upcoming game, and are threatening to release them to the general public unless a ransom is paid.

"A demand for ransom has been made, saying that should we not comply, the files will be released to the general public."

CD Projekt Red has heard the demands, has started working with law enforcement to apprehend these individuals… and made it very clear they have no intention of paying the ransom.

Worried about spoilers or excited for details? I wouldn’t be. Turns out, the company said the documents in question are old, outdated, and largely unrepresentative of what the final game will actually look like, so… while we might get some small leaks, it’ll otherwise be obscure, slightly annoying information. And it might be easy to say that they’re only trying to fake the hackers out, but… yeah, this is game development we’re talking about, there are so many iterations of games that it’s not hard to believe whatever was stolen is basically worthless.

But still, if it is leaked, it’ll be interesting if nothing else, so you can expect a report on it. In the meantime, we still have a lot we don’t know about Cyberpunk 2077, and that’s not looking to change for a long time.


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