EA Reveals New Info on Battlefront 2 Release Date

EA Reveals New Info on Battlefront 2 Release Date

2017 will be a good year for Star Wars fans.

pocru by pocru on May 11, 2016 @ 10:03 AM (Staff Bios)
Star Wars Battlefront, EA's mostly successful but largely forgettable reboot of the 2004 classic FPS, has been making the rounds in and out of focus as new developments are announced and future DLC is revealed. It's not exactly a revolution, and it seems the last time anyone was really excited about the game was back when the demo was out, but despite the general ambivalence from gamers and the likely failure on EA's part for the game to meet it's lofty sales goals, there can be very little surprise to hear EA confirm today that there would, indeed, be a Battlefront 2 coming out soonish.

"Soonish" being sometime in 2017. So. They must have started developing it well before they finished developing the last Battlefront 2015 DLC. That's EA for you.

Anyway. The only thing we know about this new Battlefront 2 is that it'll have content taken from The Force Unleashed, something that Battlefront 1 was directly forbidden to use by order of Disney. Otherwise, the game is one big question mark--we don't even know how much DLC the inevitable season pass will get you!

But while EA was talkin' shop, they also took the time to reveal that they were working on yet ANOTHER Star Wars game, although one that wasn't from Battlefront: rather, Dead Space developer Visceral is apparently working on a Star Wars title of their own, head by Uncharted 1-3 creative director Amy Hennig, which will be out in 2018. Now that is pretty interesting, especially since the possibility of a Dead Space/Star Wars crossover is pretty much the only way to get people interested in the former ever again. Myself included.

Point is, we're going to be seeing a lot more Star Wars out of EA coming up. Look forward to that.


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