Data Miner Suggests SNES Games Are Coming to the Switch Online Subscription

Data Miner Suggests SNES Games Are Coming to the Switch Online Subscription

Take with as much salt as you'd like.

pocru by pocru on Jan 15, 2019 @ 05:45 AM (Staff Bios)
When Nintendo unveiled the Nintendo Switch Online subscriber service, it seemed fairly lackluster compared to the meatier offerings from Sony and Microsoft. A small fee (about 20 bucks a year, one of the undeniable upsides of the endeavor) would allow you to play games online and give you access to a small library of NES games. Nintendo made the deal slightly better by expanding the library every month, rather than rotating the games as they had originally planned, but it’s still left a lot of fans wanting, particularly because their social system is still very terrible (why can’t I invite friends to play games with me), and because we aren’t getting any N64 or SNES games, which is where the real treasure trove is.

Well, there’s no news on any N64 games, but a modder and data miner KappaccinoHeck has recently claimed to find evidence that SNES games might be debuting in the library if you want to take him at his word.

Specifically, he claims to have found a file that lists a number of future releases for the online library, and quite a few of them were actually SNES titles. They included things like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario Kart, Star Fox, Cortana 3, F-ZERO, Super Metroid, Kirby Super Star, and more. Not a bad list at all: a good number of fan favorites, and of course the opportunity always exists for them to release more games.

However, this is absolutely, 100 percent not evidence that this is guaranteed to happen. It would make sense, of course, given that Nintendo’s going to want as many people to sign up as possible and they’re not exactly doing anything worthwhile with those SNES games anyway… but like God, Nintendo works in mysterious, often frustrating ways.

We’ll have to see if there’s any truth to this rumor at a later date.


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