Blizzard Is Working on Putting an End to Overwatch Draws

Blizzard Is Working on Putting an End to Overwatch Draws

Finally, Draws will soon be no more.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Mar 20, 2017 @ 10:20 PM (Staff Bios)
Blizzard is always constantly trying to improve upon their already masterful first person shooter, Overwatch. As of recently, they've decided to put an end to draws, the most brutal part of competitive matchmaking in overwatch. Playing in competitive and facing an extremely formidable team can be extremely satisfying. You either come out victorious, commemorating your opponents for a well-played game or succumb to defeat, doing the same. But, rarely, if you're unlucky enough, you'll receive the dreaded "Draw". Some say a tie is worse than losing, and in Overwatch, I think it honestly is. At least the community seems to think so. 

Blizzard has implemented a system into the PTR that will hopefully get rid of "draws" every happening by implementing a new tie-breaker system. While the community is happy that Blizzard is finally working on a fix, some players feel that they took a bit of an aggressive approach. Here's how the system works according to Scott Mercer

A team no longer has to completely capture one more objective than their opponent to gain a win. If both teams have the same score and run out of time, we now compare the maximum capture% of each team on the last objective they were both trying to complete. The team with the highest capture% on that objective wins. This is not based on the progression points at every 33%, but is on a completely granular scale of 0-100%. The three pie pieces still function as before, so if attackers take 50% of a map but wipe out then the minimum capture% decays down to 33%.

So essentially, if both teams reach the same point, whichever team reaches a higher capture percentage without capturing said point wins. The problem is that this system can be somewhat exploited with certain sneaky tactics and characters in specific scenarios. For instance, this clip of Sombra taking the point has been going viral:

As you can see, Sombra's team prevented their opponents from even getting a single percentage on the capture point, allowing them to simply touch the point and win in the next round. The Overwatch community has been pretty vocal about the negative potential that this new system could have in the competitive scene, and I think that Blizzard will most likely makes changes based on the communities response. Blizzard can't always be expected to foresee every potential problem, and I think that this one might have escaped their comprehension. Lucky this is why we have public test realms.


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