Australia was Cool with Torture and Cannibalism in Wasteland 3, But Not Weed

Australia was Cool with Torture and Cannibalism in Wasteland 3, But Not Weed

To be fair, it's a lot easier to be a pothead than a cannibal.

pocru by pocru on Oct 27, 2020 @ 03:36 AM (Staff Bios)
There's a lot of reasonably gruesome stuff in Wasteland 3: you can fire living goats out of cannons that explode in a shower of gore. Cannibals gleefully eat anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths. One "gang" in the game, the Godfishers, are defined by their habit of chopping off your limbs, tying you to a kite, and trying to use your flesh sacrifice to lure the Gods from the heavens. So yeah, there's a lot of stuff that's not exactly good for the kids, but apparently, according to the Australian Classification Board, all this cannibalism, torture, slavery, and animal abuse were fine.

But using marijuana? That was a step too far.

Originally called "Rocky Mountain Moongrass", this obvious weed substitute was supposed to be in the game (and offer you an increased hit chance for a white), but as long as it was there, the Australian Classification Board refused to grant it a rating, on the grounds that it would refuse to classify any games that:

"depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified."

So, the folks at inExile decided that it would just be easier to remove it from the game entirely. That's a reasonable choice: one consumable in a game with dozens you'll never use will hardly make or break the experience.

...But it is worth noting that other drugs, one of which is clearly a stand-in for heroin, managed to slip through and stay in the game. Heck, you even spend an early mission helping a druggy get to his stash, which he's clearly addicted to. So. That's weird.

...Just don't tell Australia about it.


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