World of Tanks!
Posted 09 May 2011 - 01:46 PM
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
Posted 06 September 2011 - 03:36 PM

Posted 06 March 2014 - 05:20 PM
Wow, almost 3 years later....
Well I made a few mistakes unknown to me at the time about the game: It's made by a company in Belarus, not Russia, although it IS still wildly popular in Russia at almost half a million(?) active players vs. about 30-50k (vs. 12k in 2011) on a busy weekend here in the States.
It's got several new nations (armored fighting vehicles) and various upgrades added over the last 3 years. The game has definitely progressed in many ways with new rendering engine, a proper physics engine implementation (a major new addition to the physics will be coming in the form of the Havok engine!) and a handful of new game modes. However the core of the gameplay remains the same -- capture the flag or destroy all the enemy team's tanks.
The game's battle tiers ('level' of tanks composition of the 2 teams) has been tightened down to +/- 2 tiers as opposed to +/- 3 tiers upon release, which most players were asking for and was well received. The wider tier spread in a match was a large source of complaints as it caused many new players to face off against tougher higher tier opponents with no knowledge or firepower to deal with them, resulting in frustration. It's better now but the inherent tier spread is still somewhat misunderstood or complained about to this day (some folks are never happy!).
One great 'balancing' act they did to WoT with regard to its F2P model is allowing non-paying users to actually purchase 'premium' ammo with in-game credits -- they cost the 'Silver' equivalent of what it would cost in 'gold' if you were to exchange Gold into Silver currency. For the longest time premium or "gold" ammo was considered by some to be a pay-to-win advantage, although detractors of this argument always pointed out that due to the in-game armor vs. ammunition mechanics, it never did guarantee an 'insta' win option.
Oh, I left one little thing out.. WoT is now out for the XBOX crowd! While it's still much in its infancy on that platform I believe that's a great way for Wargaming to increase its market share and hopefully bring in new players and interest into the game which will result in further progress. While the PC and XBox versions are not yet slated to be 'cross platform' for obvious (or perhaps not so obvious reasons) you can bet being a free to play game, it'll get lots of buzz going over the coming months, assuming they market this game just right and if there is a large enough niche customer who enjoys this type of 'realistic arcade' game (definitely not a sim). I believe the XBOX version gets a few tweaked visual fx and has its own dev team, both should remain similar in terms of updates/content with the PC version possibly being a step ahead.
So what's my tally for this game after nearly 3 years?
~ Almost 10,000 battles (compared to almost 20-30,000 for many active players).
~About 40 or more different tanks unlocked or accessed (some were anniversary/holiday/tech tree realignment freebies-- the best kind!)
~$150 spent on 'gold' in-game purchases -- All strictly used for convenience (upgrades/unlocking next tank) which I bought from 2011 to 2012.
~51% win rate (meaning of the battles I fought in, my random player teams and I won 51% of the time). I'm about as average as they get!
I would like to point out that I took most of 2013 off from WoT and gaming in general due to the birth of my now year old son! Although I did experience a bit of a burnout from WoT after 2 strong years, I would have probably surpassed 15k battles by now and maybe dropped no more than $10 in gold purchases (realizing I can just be 'patient' and get what I want).
I only recently started to get back into playing WoT but that's mostly reserved to a handful of matches a week thanks to a busy work schedule and, of course, family life!
If you haven't checked World of Tanks out yet, now is as great a time to get into this great multiplayer game as any, either on the XBOX or PC platforms!
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
Posted 12 March 2014 - 09:56 PM
I tried getting into the game. For whatever reason it just didn't click with me. The controls were fine, the shooting worked great, the semi-destructive environment are nice. I found it all quite underwhelming. I felt like the game does a good job of letting you figure things out for yourself. I sometimes get frustrated with such "hand-holding" tutorials. I can see the appeal of the game, it's just not my cup of tea.
Thanks for coming back, 3 years later, but back none-the-less.
High Five!
Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:11 PM

Posted 13 March 2014 - 04:45 PM
I tried getting into the game. For whatever reason it just didn't click with me. The controls were fine, the shooting worked great, the semi-destructive environment are nice. I found it all quite underwhelming. I felt like the game does a good job of letting you figure things out for yourself. I sometimes get frustrated with such "hand-holding" tutorials. I can see the appeal of the game, it's just not my cup of tea.
Thanks for coming back, 3 years later, but back none-the-less.
High Five!
Funny you mention the tutorials -- they weren't added until I believe sometime in 2013 in the state they're in now (they were tested in some form before and removed as I understand). Since I never had the 'luxury' of tutorials to get started back in '11, I spent most of my time with trials and errors and supplementing it with their wiki site and of course, forums (wealth of info and discussion aside from the typical trolls).
The game will always be on my PC's and I find myself enjoying a handful of games every week (when I get the chance). As it is definitely a niche game I can see that it might not have struck any chords for you, however I have to say, the game does get a lot more 'interesting/frustrating' once you get up into the higher tiers WITH time spent playing and understanding the mechanics (which granted probably 80% of the players have no proper grasp of).
I think once you understand how and what affects your actions have in terms of fundamentals, you can then concentrate on the bigger picture -- that of trying to formulate a play style with each tank that will help the team toward victory (something I'm terrible at on higher tiers and with certain tanks, despite my average win/loss rate). At the lower levels when most new players start, you're hampered by 2 things -- crap tanks + crap crew skills, and newbiness. Once you get both yourself personally informed and practice the game, and your crews start to level up in better tanks (well, better as in you find one that you like -- I still keep my tier 2-3 tanks) things start to become more fun.
As for WoWP, I prefer Gaijin's WarThunder airplane game -- better graphics, too, and arcade + realistic battle choices, PLUS they actually have their tank (Ground Forces-- offering more realism than WoT) version of the game in beta now which will eventually also feature air/ground combined arms matches!
See you around!
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
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