So I recently bought SC2, finally after about 6 months after its release. I refused to pay $60 for it, considering it's one campaign, out of possible 3 they had like the first one, plus the economy the way it is....
Well anyway, having lots of fun in HARD difficulty mode. Been stuck on the last mission where you defend against Kerrigan, for a couple of days now. Seems I can hold off till about the 50-75% artifact charge status, before my base defenses are overrun. Doesn't help that I didn't purchase my unit/building upgrades wisely early on (so I didn't get some useful upgrades in hindsight, and got useless ones in other cases).
I chose to destroy the air reinforcements in the previous mission, so on this mission I'm going against the Nydus worms and ground forces....didn't think it would be this hard to multitask and keep making siege tanks.... seems like I don't have enough time to do everything!
I'm sure with about 20 more tries and reloads, I may be able to beat it!

Starcraft 2
Started by Pakman, Mar 11 2011 12:58 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 11 March 2011 - 12:58 PM
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World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
Posted 11 March 2011 - 01:36 PM
I guess inflation has hit video games huh? I may have to get it once the price comes down.
My biggest gripe is charging that full game amount for only 1 campaign.

Posted 13 March 2011 - 12:21 AM
I guess inflation has hit video games huh? I may have to get it once the price comes down.
My biggest gripe is charging that full game amount for only 1 campaign.
Right, I can see the marketing aspect and reason behind releasing the game in 3 possible campaigns, each a stand alone product and still providing the same multiiplayer experience. However just because they can, unfortunately, they did. And people are well, foolish enough, hardcore fans enough, or just stopped caring about cost, and bought the game for $60. I got my copy almost what, 5-6 months later for $45.
Like you, my pet peeve is when they release a game that's 1/3rd the campaign, and yet have the audacity to charge $60 full retail price for it. That leads me to believe, they will continue the trend and charge $60 for the Protoss, and Zerg campaigns...Or as I am hoping they'll do, provide the other 2 campaigns as expansions for $30 or less, like you know the old days not too long ago.
Now, price and money issues aside, I will say that the single player game with the Terran campaign is actually quite fun. Playing on hard was probably not the best choice for me since I tend to suck at strategy and learning from mistakes in gaming, but I have enjoyed the challenge, and resulting gameplay hours that I have gotten from the excessive amounts of losses and save game reloads.

One of my favorite all time games is the original Starcraft and expansion for the purposes of playing on a LAN. Those were fun times for me as I got to play LAN games vs. the AI or sometimes each other, with my younger brother and sister, which in our adult lives now is next to impossible to plan out. One of the unique things about the first game was that going against the AI, you couldn't choose a difficulty level, so you basically failed over and over again until you got the game down almost to a science (or perhaps, got the build order for the first 5 minutes memorized perfectly).
The few 2v2 player LAN games I've played against the Hard AI have been quite fun, and frustrating. I have a lot of catching up to do with my skills!
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World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
Posted 24 March 2011 - 02:47 PM
Finally beat the last level, randomly attempting it again this past weekend. I love how the the game involves probably 1000 people, when the credits start rolling. I guess the small tightly grouped companies are no longer around, or at least, don't get all the glory anymore with hit titles like they used to back in the day hah.
Aside from the noted gripes about price, and the always online internet connection requirement for achievements, the game is fun as hell, with many units to chose from and strategies to form with. The in-game movie/cut scene are superbly rendered, in REAL TIME probably on par with most FPS games out right now. Facial expression, body movement, all of that looks darn realistic, all considering the game isn't even an FPS but a top down view 3D strategy. I suppose they used 2 different technologies/engines for the real time cut scenes and regular game graphics, or just made 1 really good quality engine, that turns the individual character detail down when in the actual game.
Pew Pew make you Que Que.
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
World of Tanks - Star Craft II - C&C: Zero Hour - Sup Com:Forged Alliance - World of Warcraft - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
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