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Things you need to know:
This is a BYOC, this means you bring your computer to the event to play.
The Venue has a restaurant, please no outside food/drink during restaurant hours.
Who Can Attend?
The event is open to the public. You will need to supply your computer and and entry fee of $55. This covers the venue, insurance, power and network equipment. Attendees are asked to pre-register a seat. The cost of the seat, if not paid for, will increase as it gets closer to the event.
Do I have to register online to attend?
It is recommended that you do so you have the seat you want, and so we know how many people are attending. If you do not pre-register and pay, you will end up paying more for registration the longer you wait.
What is BYOC?
BYOPC is "Bring Your Own Computer" - We will provide tables, chairs (though you are welcome to bring your own), power, network. You will bring your computer that is ready to play your favorite games. Servers and an open network will be provided for gaming and other activities. (steaming media will not be allowed).
What should I bring?
You should bring yourself, your computer, a monitor and any peripherals you use. Speakers are not allowed, headphones only.
Beyond everything else, have fun and enjoy the experience. Please keep profanity, heckling and taunting to a minimum. Please respect your neighbor and the venue.
PLEASE PLEASE DOWNLOAD and INSTALL everything BEFORE you head out to the EVENT. Internet service is limited, but will be available for Steam Authentication and other gaming that require an internet connection.
Most of these games are available on STEAM.
DooM (2016)
Grey Goo
Unreal Tournament 2k4
Killing Floor 2
Rocket League
Natural Selection
Team Fortress 2
Quake Live
Counter-Strike:Global Offensive
Age of Empires 2
Garry's MOD
League of Legends
Starcraft 2
Warcraft 3
We are not limited to the list above, but these will be some of the main games that will be played!