Shadow of the Tomb Raider Patched Over a Secret Ending

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Patched Over a Secret Ending

With one important difference.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Sep 24, 2018 @ 08:58 AM (Staff Bios)
It's not that outlandish for a game to have a day one patch. But usually, those are for last minute bug fixes, not new ending cutscenes. The recently released Shadow of the Tomb Raider has a different ending scene depending on if you install the patch or now.

First discovered on the Tomb Raider forums, user Tombstone was confused as to the lack of discussion regarding a certain aspect of the ending. This led to the community discovering that Tombstone actually was seeing a different ending, due to playing an unpatched version of the game.


In the end cutscene, Laura is writing a letter, though the addressee changes between the versions. In the patched version, the letter is addressed to Jonah, while the unpatched one is unnamed. The unpatched version, however, revealed that Lara was sent a letter by Jacqueline Natla, the original series antagonist. This minor change gives an entirely new air to the future of the series.

The two scenes have a number of small changes as well, such as lighting, music, and camera focus. The voice acting essentially stays the same, with the exception of the Jonah thing.

This buried teaser has riled up the Tomb Raider community. Some believe the unpatched ending would be better for the series, while others accept the patched version's sense of closure as canon. Videos to both endings are embedded below, so you can decide for yourself which to believe.


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