Nintendo Has Supply Problems. Again.

Nintendo Has Supply Problems. Again.

Does this count as news anymore?

pocru by pocru on Jun 22, 2017 @ 10:51 PM (Staff Bios)
Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the Nintendo HQ, and to know what the executives are thinking when they decide just how many of a console to produce. Nintendo seems to always have a problem keeping up with demand for their products: The Wii was impossible to find, the classic console was impossible to find, and now the Switch is impossible to find… I know they’re a conservative company who’s terrified of losing money and I understand the Wii U was traumatizing but seriously guys, you need to serve your customers and you’re doing a bad job of it.

So, yeah, if you weren’t able to piece two and two together at this point, Nintendo has just released a statement on their Japanese website apologizing for the lack of Switch availability and vowing to improve things, especially when the Splatoon 2 bundle comes out on July 21st. Thanks to Mr. Google, we know this:

“For autumn and beyond, we will continue to work to ensure that as many products as possible can be delivered to our customers towards the end of the year, such as further strengthening our production system."

The frustrating part, of course, is that they’ve made this promise before. Nintendo is always aware of the problem, but they never seem willing to actually fix it, just talk to the press about “increasing production.” It’s gotten to the point where even Reggie has admitted Nintendo “gets it wrong”, although he qualified it with the necessary amount of self-praise.

Sorry. A bit too bitter for a news article, but… if the slipper fits, you know?


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