New Pokemon Snap Game Release Date Confirmed, Featuring Lental Region

New Pokemon Snap Game Release Date Confirmed, Featuring Lental Region

And a cool new trailer.

LizardRock by LizardRock on Jan 14, 2021 @ 10:16 AM (Staff Bios)
Are your cameras ready? We finally have a release date for the upcoming New Pokémon Snap game, and its only a few months away.

The official Pokémon Twitter account has announced the official release date of New Pokémon Snap (yes, it's a confusing name, we know). The game will be released on Nintendo Switch on April 30, 2021.

To further celebrate this, and get Pokémon fans hyped, Nintendo also released a new trailer, showcasing some of the worlds and Pokémon to be photographed. This will be the first batch of new information since the game's reveal last June.

The environments provided appear to be fairly warm in nature, ranging from a tropical island to what looks like a forest of Sakura trees. We also saw deserts, rainforests, and maybe a glimpse of a winter landscape?

The most noteworthy thing, of course, is the new Pokémon. The original Pokémon Snap game released for the Nintendo 64. At the time, there was only the original generation of Pokémon to draw from. Now we have eight different generations to see, spanning over 1,000 Pokémon. I doubt we will see that many in the new Snap game, but it certainly expands the possibilities.

One interesting thing we also noticed was in the description and tweet. They state that the game will take place in the Lental region. This appears to be a new region to the Pokémon Universe. It also would explain why many of the landscapes were seeing have not been seen or mentioned before.

More details about the game will be released near or on the games release date. Stay tuned.


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