Konami Offering a MGS 5 Poster, Autographed By... Someone

Konami Offering a MGS 5 Poster, Autographed By... Someone

Maybe Steve, from Accounting.

pocru by pocru on Aug 26, 2015 @ 09:02 AM (Staff Bios)
Konami, if you didn’t know, is having something of a problem in that they’re gigantic dicks. Specifically, they’re dicks to their fans, dicks to their IP, and dicks to their employees--Hideo Kojima being one of them. As part of their ongoing feud against this beloved game creator, they’ve started trying to whitewash his name from anything he could be associated with, going so far as to remove his name from the critically acclaimed Metal Gear Solid 5 (as if it would stop anyone with even a passing interest in the series from knowing who made it).

But to really see just how desperately Konami is trying to not mention the new "He-who-must-not-be-named," one need only look at Konami’s promotional efforts for Metal Gear Solid 5. Now, traditionally, at the release of a new Metal Gear game, Kojima has rolled out to sign autographs on posters and game boxes or whatever you put in his face. They’re not doing that this time: rather, buying the game in Japan will enter you in a raffle to earn a fake prosthetic arm and an "Autographed Poster."

Whose autograph, you might be asking?

Konami isn’t saying. Which is basically the same as saying "Hideo Kojima."

I mean, yeah, it could be signed by any number of people—voice actors, the PR Director of Konami, the janitor who cleans out their trash, etc., but if it was anyone BUT Kojima they would have said so straight-out. Instead, they’re ignoring Twitter posts and inquires from publications asking who’ll be signing the poster, leaving it to our imaginations. Although it doesn’t exactly take a creative person to come to any half-decent conclusion.

Regardless, this promotional thing is only happening in Japan, so the actual raffle won’t affect you. Sorry.


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