For Honor Community Claims The Game Is Plagued By Lag

For Honor Community Claims The Game Is Plagued By Lag

For Honor: plagued by lag issues.

JesseCecchetto by JesseCecchetto on Feb 22, 2017 @ 04:21 PM (Staff Bios)
For Honor is the recently released action fighting game from developer and publisher Ubisoft.  For Honor features a relatively strategic melee combat system that focuses on smart decisions and rewards strategic thinking and quick reflexes.  Since the game's release, more and more fans have been complaining that the game is overall laggy, and finding matches can even be inconsistent at times.  The majority of the blame comes down to the way that Ubisoft has decided to handle their servers.

For Honor does not feature any dedicated servers, but instead decided to use a peer to peer multiplayer system.  Peer to peer matchmaking basically works by choosing the players to host the matches instead of a separately hosted, pre-made server.  This system works well if the chosen host has a good connection, but it obviously has room for error since a host with a substantially good connection is not always chosen.  Playing a match hosted by someone with a poor connection, results in lag for everyone other than the host.  The host is most likely not even aware that he is in fact, the host since he/she will experience the game smoothly, while the remaining players suffer from connectivity issues.  

Often first person shooters will use peer to peer for their matchmaking as well, but the issues aren't as apparent due to the nature of the game.  In For Honor, a poor connection severely affects players reaction times, and the games hit detection.  For Honor, being a game that heavily relies on precise hit detection and timing suffers greatly from the peer to peer system and is also more susceptible to lag switches.  It's obvious that For Honor would greatly benefit from dedicated servers, and fans are skeptical as to why they chose to use a peer to peer system for a game of this caliber in the first place.  So far, Ubisoft has yet to respond to this issue.


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