We are pleased to announce that bookings are now being taken for our next kick ass LAN Party - AdreneLAN 7. This will be a full 48 hour event for 50 plus gamers on PC & Console over the weekend of 9th-11th July. As this is World Cup Final Weekend one of our feature tournaments will be the AdreneLAN World Cup on FIFA 10. If England reach the world cup final then tournaments will close at 12.00 on Sunday to allow travel time for those wanting to get home early, if not then we will close event at 16.00
Event Info
Date: 9th - 11th July 2010
Cost:£25.00 Payment in advance or £30.00 on the door Cost also includes Hotdogs on Saturday Lunch
Number of Participants: 50
Internet: Limited for web browsing only
Tournaments: Lots. We will be doing lots of different tournaments over the weekend including team prizes, gamer of the weekend and if possible best case mod as well.
A full list of games we will be playing can be found Here.
Sponsors & Demo's
We are getting as many sponsors on board for this LAN as we can. However we will bee having two very new products on demonstration for you to have a play with. Firstly there will be a demo system with the Nvidia 3D Vision Kit and we will also be showcasing the Cape 7 Small Form Factor system. Sponsors confirmed at time of launch include
Kyoto Lounge Manchester
The LAN Centre is situated less than 10 minutes drive from 4 major motorway networks (M6, M602 & M60 & M62). We have full use of the centre which includes large LAN Arena, Sleep Area and Kitchen. For the console arena, we will have a massive full 1080p Projector with 5.1 sound system.
Food n Stuff
Throughout the weekend we will have Krispy Kreme donoughts on sale for £1.00 each. Breakfast will be available daily with regular take away runs on Friday & Sat Night. Supermarket is 5 mins drive and pub is across the road.
If you are travelling with friends or in your clan, you can pre book your seats Here once registered for the LAN
And Finally if you want to get to know some of the organisers and attendee's then join us on one of the AdreneLAN Game Servers