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StreetGeek Adelaide

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#1 Boinst


    GU N00b

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Posted 17 August 2008 - 06:51 PM

StreetGeek - Adelaide's LAN Party

Next StreetGeek LAN: Friday 19th September

Start: 7pm Friday
Finish: 9pm Saturday

Recent Attendance
08.06 - 116
08.07 - 107
08.08 - 125

Upcoming LANs
08.09 - September 19th
08.10 - October 10th
08.11 - October 31st

Please register for each LAN you plan on attending. Early registration greatly assists us in planning our events. If you have not done so already, please register on the website! Your forum account is used for many things at the LAN, having an account is essential!

Standard Ticket prices are $18 for allocated seating (PCs) and $9 for a social ticket (consolers and tabletop gamers). Ladies currently enjoy a 50% discount on all ticket prices.

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