Travis Scott Earned Over $20 Million in 9-Minute Fortnite Performance

Travis Scott Earned Over $20 Million in 9-Minute Fortnite Performance

That's at least 3 Fortnite season passes right there.

pocru by pocru on Dec 02, 2020 @ 06:23 AM (Staff Bios)
So apparently there's this famous rapper dude named Travis Scott, and at some point earlier this year, he teamed up with Epic Games to put on a 10-minute concert in Fortnite as part of an Astronomical event. I don't know the first thing about it, but apparently, it did pretty well: over 12.3 million people logged in to see the event, with more probably tuning in via Twitch and other live streaming sites.

Well, it was just announced via Forbes that Travis Scott got more than a bunch of eyeballs: by the end of the event, he had reportedly earned over 20 million dollars, far more than he typically gets from an in-person concert.

Granted, that 20 million includes merchandising sales and doesn't include tax, but even when the US government takes its share, Travis Scott is going to walk away considerably more wealthy. He's also going to become the gold standard for other artists and performers who are thinking about hosting digital concerts in the future as well.

Normally, I don't care about rich people getting richer -- that's just what rich people do -- but the fact is, this loans some serious credence to Epic Game's reported plans to turn Fortnite into a social media platform, plans that were first dredged to light thanks to the Apple v Epic lawsuit. If Fortnite was able to create a stage where an artist was able to perform in front of millions -- and earn 20 million bit ones in the process -- it's going to draw a lot more attention to itself as a viable "stage" for other brands and creatives.

Heck, they even wrapped up Season 4 with a big "battle" against Marvel's semi-iconic supervillain, Galactus. Disney has been playing ball with Fortnite for a while, between Marvel and Star Wars crossovers: I'm guessing this is all just the starting bell, however...


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