Sophie's Guardian Announced In-Time for Halloween

Sophie's Guardian Announced In-Time for Halloween

It's a teddy bear fear-fest!

Cryptastic by Cryptastic on Oct 23, 2016 @ 02:48 PM (Staff Bios)
It's the season for spooky times, so it makes sense that we'd hear some horror news. The latest announcement comes from the people at GameCoder Studios and Render Farm Studios. Their upcoming title, Sophie's Guardian, is a VR survival horror title coming to the HTC Vive and Steam VR. And the best part is that it is already available fore Early Access.

Take a look at the launch trailer below.

It's always teddy bears that kick the most ass.

Given, Sophie's Guardian is far from the first horror title to reach VR. However, there's really no better time of year to launch a new, scary title. Sophie's Guardian appears to be an action, heavy title with tons of firepower. Players take on the role of the teddy bear guardian of the titular Sophie. There, they blast away hordes of nightmarish horrors.

Check out a sample of gameplay in the trailer below.

They mostly spawn behind you. Mostly.

One interesting addition to this title is that it includes a "Puppeteer" mode. This helps connect gamers who already own a VR headset play with friends who haven't dropped the cash for one yet. On top of that, the publisher claims that the game is very modder friendly. So hopefully, before next Halloween rolls around, we can see some hyper-frightening modifications to help us celebrate the season of fear.


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