Sony has Big Plans for Video Game Movies and TV Shows

Sony has Big Plans for Video Game Movies and TV Shows

Uncharted is just the first of many.

pocru by pocru on Jan 13, 2021 @ 03:59 AM (Staff Bios)
The Uncharted movie is set to come out later this year, HBO has started work on a The Last of Us series, which I can't wait to hate on without watching, and Hivemind Productions is currently working on a Final Fantasy XIV live-action show with the help of Sony Productions. Sony, clearly, has been busy these past few years on the TV and movie front, but as it turns out, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Sony's silver-screen ambitions.

This, according to Sony Pictures CEO Tony Vinciquerra, who said their current slate is "just the beginning" (although he didn't mention the Final Fantasy project), and that they were currently working on 7 TV shows and 3 movies based on their video game properties.

"We're also really thrilled to bring some of the best PlayStation IP to new media like film and television... This is just the beginning of the expansion of our storytelling into new media and even wider audiences. Sony is a creative entertainment company, and entertainment has never been more important."

While video games and TV/movies used to be a toxic combination, the alchemy has since been figured out with shows like The Witcher (@ me mofos) and Castlevania, so the idea of a studio being more invested in making their IP's do more work for them makes a lot of sense.

That said, we don't know a darn thing beyond this, so... I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's announced next.


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