Minimalist Consoles of Old School Games Arrive

Minimalist Consoles of Old School Games Arrive

AKA the consoles that will test human patience.

Michelle McLean by Michelle McLean on Nov 18, 2014 @ 01:40 PM (Staff Bios)
Are you into minimalist pieces? What about minimalist pieces in gaming? Ishac Bertran, a designer and resident of New York City, has created three new consoles, each representing a game, with the screens plastered onto the console. He has stuffed Mario, Tetris, and Pong into three different cubes. Each small, wood-encased console comes with different controller inputs: Mario is played by pushing one button, Tetris is controlled by rotating a cube (like a minimalist Rubik’s Cube), and Pong’s score is determined through the toggling of a switch that determines where the ball will bounce. This sounds fun and all, but here is the “boring” aspect of the project: players can only make one move per day. Why? Because once you make your choice, it take a whole day for the results of your decision to show on the screen. Instead of testing hand-eye coordination, the games test memory and observation. I also believe it tests the limits of modern human patience.

The idea? To transform a quick-paced activity (i.e. most video games) into a slow-moving, contemplative experience. Video games (at least single player games) typically give us immediate reward and satisfaction. Bertran states, “This is what allows a game to be really engaging, really immersive. When you play a video game, everything in the room disappears.” Slow Games, the name for these minimalist consoles, intends to do the opposite. People who play Slow Games will take at least a couple of weeks to complete each game, provided that no deaths will happen. Would you be interested in Slow Games? Would you have the patience to complete it?


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