Lizard Squad Behind Destiny DoSS Attack

Lizard Squad Behind Destiny DoSS Attack

Lo, they return. Praise be.

pocru by pocru on Sep 29, 2014 @ 12:53 PM (Staff Bios)
So if you’re the type to pay attention to hackers and such, the name Lizard Squad probably means something to you.  In short, they’re a group of assholes who’s stated message was just to annoy gamers and game companies alike with some random DoSS attacks.  Gamers hate them, developers hate them, other hackers hate them, but heck, you can’t accuse them of not being honest.  Almost something admirable about the way they flaunt their ambivalence.  Almost.

Anyway, they allegedly broke up a month ago after a bomb threat against the plane Sony executive John Smedley apparently encouraged the FBI to actually take down a few of their members.  But apparently they went to the Brett Farve school of retirement (yes, I am from Wisconsin) and went ahead and un-retired, because they recently took responsibility fo the Destiny DoSS attack that hit last Sunday evening.  In the process, they also hit Call of Duty: Ghosts, EA’s FIFA, Madden and Sims 4, but since those games can be played offline it isn’t that big a deal.   The Destiny attack, meanwhile, while short and insubstantial and not exactly uniform, raised quite the firestorm over twitter when gamers found their progress in missions and raids irreversibly lost when they were disconnected from the main server.

As to why they targeted Destiny when famously their quarrel has been with Sony?  Not a clue.  But then I doubt they’re actually particular about their targets.

So does this mean Lizard Squad is back?  Well, I don’t see why not, I they didn’t stop after ‘retirement’ why would they only come back for one last hit?  It’s times like this that make me miss Anonymous… remember when they were the hacker group to beat?  At least they had a mission… in theory, anyway.


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