Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Information Won't Be Revealed Until After Launch

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Information Won't Be Revealed Until After Launch

Yes, this counts as news today.

pocru by pocru on Nov 30, 2020 @ 03:35 AM (Staff Bios)
With its December 10 release date now set in stone (probably), we're two short weeks away from being able to play what is perhaps the most consequential game of 2020, and what some people could consider their "prize" for having navigated this mess of a year: Cyberpunk 2077.

Anyone who's familiar with CD Projekt Red's work will know the game is almost certainly going to be good, but they'll also probably know that their attitude towards DLC tends to be more generous than your average gaming company. If Cyberpunk 2077 is anything like The Witcher, CD Projekt Red will release a handful of free DLC periodically after launch, and follow that with a series of paid expansions that add dozens of hours to the game.

That's a safe guess, but unfortunately, we don't know how close to reality it is, since CD Projekt Red has just announced in a third-quarter earnings call that they've decided to wait to reveal any DLC information until after the December 10 release date.

That's not the only information they're postponing: Cyberpunk 2077's much-ballyhooed multiplayer mode will be formally "revealed" sometime early next year, although it's worth noting the projected release date is still sometime in 2022.

But yeah, just a small update this time.


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